Numerous varieties come in a broad range of sizes. Flowers can be single, double or semi double. �Honorine Jobert� has abundant blooms that are single and pure white, with pink tinted undersides and showy yellow stamens.
�Kriemhilde� has semi-double violet-pink flowers with undersides are a shade darker.
�Lady Gilmore� has double rosy-pink flowers.
�Luise Uhink� has semi-double pure white blooms. Strong performer.
�Max Vogel� has single, pale pink blooms that turn nearly white with time. Outer petals are slightly darker.
�Montrose� has semi-double to double rose flowers
�Pamina� has double rosy-red flowers.
�Profusion� has semi-double rosy-pink blooms. Strong performer.
�Queen Charlotte� has large semi-double pink flowers with darker undersides.
�September Charm� has single blooms that are rosy pink. Strong performer.
�Whirlwind� has semi-double white blooms, with contorted greenish-white inner tepals.
�White Giant�: grows 4 feet tall with large semi-double flowers.