Varieties come in different shades of purple and pink, varying heights and spreads, some with double flowers (on varieties that florists use) and some with larger flowers.'Snowdrift': white flowers are larger than traditional alyssum. Grows from 3 to 6� tall.
�Easter Bonnet� Series: blooms earlier in the season and retains its mounded shape and attractive appearance longer into the growing season than traditional alyssum. White, purple and pink shades for flowers.
�Basket� Series: these plants spread quickly, and are grown especially for hanging baskets. Flowers in shades of white, pink, purple, yellow and peach.
�Aphrodite� Series: white, yellow, peach, purple and pink shades for flower colors. One of the few annual alyssum varieties with yellow blooms.
�Wonderland� Series: purple, white or pink flowers on compact (3 to 6� tall) plants.
�Snow Crystals�: flowers are white and larger than traditional alyssum flowers.
'Rosie O�Day': early blooming, 4� tall plant with spread of nearly 1�. Rosy red flowers hold their color long into the growing season.
�Trailing Rosy Red�: rosy pink flowers on long, trailing plants. Excellent for hanging baskets.