�Baby Doll� grows 1 foot tall with medium green leaves flushed with bronze and pale pink blooms in mid to late spring.�Ballawley� grows 2 feet tall with medium green leaves and red blooms on red flower stems in mid- to late spring. Leaves turn purple with bronze tinting in the winter.
�Beethoven� grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with medium green leaves and white blooms with red to pink calyxes in mid- to late spring.
�Bell Tower� grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with dark rosy pink blooms in mid- to late spring. Medium green leaves.
�Bressingham Bountiful� grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with dark green, thin leaves margined in dark red. Produces pendulous rosy pink blooms in mid- to late spring. Susceptible to frost damage.
�Bressingham Ruby� grows 1 foot tall with dark green leaves with red flushed undersides. In mid- to late spring, produces pendulous red blooms. Foliage becomes bright red in winter.
�Bressingham Salmon� grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with dark green leaves flushed with bronze. Blooms are vivid salmon and borne in mid- to late spring. Winter foliage is dark red.
�Bressingham White� grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with numerous pure white blooms over dark green foliage in mid- to late spring.
�Eric Smith� grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with medium-green leaves tinted with bronze and dark coral blooms in mid- to late spring. Winter foliage is reddish bronze.
�Evening Glow� (�Abendglut�) grows 1 foot tall with red flushed, red undersided dark green leaves. Produces semi-double reddish-magenta blooms on red stems in mid- to late spring.
�Morning Red� (�Morgenr�te�) grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with dark green leaves and rosy red blooms on red stems in mid- to late spring.
�Opal� grows 1 foot tall with red stems and medium-green leaves. Produces violet-pink blooms from early to late spring.
�Pinneberg� grows 1 foot tall with bright red blooms in spring. Medium green leaves are vivid red in the fall.
�Pugsley�s Pink� grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with medium-green leaves, the undersides flushed red, and pink blooms in mid- to late spring.
�Purple King� (�Purpurk�nigin�) grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with medium-green leaves and rosy blooms with salmon tinting from early to late spring.
�Snow Queen� (�Schneek�nigin�) grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with medium-green leaves with curled margins. Bears pale pink blooms that deepen in color with age in early to midspring.
�Silver Light�: 1 to 1 �� tall plants with medium green leaves and white blooms that become pink with time. Blooms from early to midspring. Syn. �Silberlicht�
�Sunningdale� grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with scallop-edged, dark green leaves flushed red on the undersides. Produces violet magenta blooms in early to midspring. Foliage is reddish-bronze in winter.
�Winter Fairy Tale� (�Winterm�rchen�) grows 1 to 1.5 feet tall with twisted, medium green leaves with reddish-purple undersides and rosy red blooms in early to midspring. Winter leaves are flushed with red.